My heart was pounding.

I woke up out of my dream with the words Conscious Woman RISING flashing in my mind.

I reached for my phone to see if the name was being used online.


EVERY cell of my being knew this was perfectly aligned with what I had felt in my heart for yeaaars.

To not only go on my own healing journey woman who stepped into my world to do the same.

I had this dream over half a decade ago now!

Today, it’s the joy of my life to journey alongside you…welcome to the ride.

Warrrrmest welcome!

I’ve completely remapped what success looks like to me.

I support women to activate their feminine presence & wisdom, while being in a healthy alignment with their masculine energy.

Set yourself up for success through a present-state of awareness. Focus.

Focus on your inner journey ALONG with what you’re doing out there.

There is a natural way you will blossom but right now, you’re repeating patterns that are costing you a lot of pain, confusion &



Feminine Presence

Vulnerable, Honest Communication

Sexual Sovereignty ~ pacing yourself with your own turn ON