Sacred Sound Healing Sessions

The roots of sound healing can be traced back to ancient civilizations across the globe, where various cultures recognized the therapeutic power of sound and vibration for physical healing and spiritual transformation. In today’s modern age, sound healing remains just as effective, empowering us to take an active role in our healing journey to address a spectrum of health concerns from mental and emotional health to physical ailments.

Juliet trained in what’s called “holographic sound healing” which is a holistic modality that uses a range of hertz frequencies to facilitate the body’s natural healing mechanisms, including an increase in it’s production of dopamine, decrease in cortisol levels, the ability for your brain to release serotonin & helping your lymph system to flush out toxins.

So, how does it work? Holographic sound healing operates on the principle that everything in our body has a healthy vibrational frequency when given the right condition in which your body can heal itself, including each cell, organ, bone, tissue and energy center. When there are pathogens in the body (an organism that causes infection or disease) and you use sound frequencies to penetrate the body, they act as a sort of sonic nutrition, allowing cells to regenerate and function properly. Specifically, the intelligence of sound gives birth to infrared light, which improves the circulation of oxygen-rich blood in the body and creates cell-to-cell communication that restores balance to the body's energetic field.

The healing itself comes through sound waves that alter the body’s energy field back into resonance with a healthy frequency, which boosts the immune system and improves your day-to-day functioning, including quality of sleep! Among others, experiencing this approach has proven to enhance deep relaxation, lower stress and anxiety, reduce chronic inflammation, relive pain & improve cognitive function.

Every sound healing session is tailored to your individual needs, incorporating a combination of sound instruments and techniques to accelerate physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. This therapeutic experience can vary widely from person to person, but many report feelings of deep relaxation, inner peace, and a sense of energetic balance and alignment after a session.

Choose the Frequency:

(All sessions are conducted over Zoom video)

60-Minute Session $175

Purchase 1 Session
I'll Take the Package

Package of 3 Sessions $450 (Save $75)

Reflections After a Private Session

“Juliet is truly a gifted healer. My holographic sound healing session with her was amazing. First, Juliet helped me set the intention for the session, which she is really great at - specifically, digging deeper into your emotional patterns and beliefs. She has years of experience in the field of spiritual and emotional work. Juliet has this soothing loving energy which made me at ease sharing and discussing my issues. 

 The actual sound healing part was magical. Juliet has a such beautiful healing voice. She also uses spoken and sung light language. Light language is a soul-to-soul language that is said to work on many physical, emotional and spiritual levels just where your soul needs it at this particular time. It is done for your own highest good. The channeled light codes connected me to my Star Family whom I felt immense love from and truly felt at home. They gave me messages, reminding to express more love for my body and take a slow gentle approach. 

Juliet's voice combined with beautiful singing bowls and the calming sound of rain (it was raining there at the time!) also brought me to my childhood and to my Slavic ancestry. When Juliet was doing chakra work, I could also feel masculine and feminine parts being brought into harmony. It is truly a multidimensional session. I had lots of tingling all over throughout the session, at the same time I was sooo relaxed and stayed relaxed for a while after the session.”

 Thank you so much Juliet! You are really a master at what you do!”

— Liza, Texas


  • Woohoo! Investing in yourself calls for a celebration. 🎉

    Within the next 24 hours, Juliet will reach out to you via email to schedule your session!

  • Currently, Juliet offers virtual sessions. All sessions will take place over Zoom video.

    If you live in or near New Jersey & are interested in an in-person session, send Juliet an email at to inquire about options.

  • • Find a space where you can comfortably lie down (like on a bed) for up to 45 minutes

    • Turn off your cell phone & be in a space with zero distractions (your choice whether you want to use headphones or not)

    • Wear loose, comfortable clothing

    • Pour a glass of water & keep nearby

    The goal is to arrive to the session feeling like you can fully relax & be ready to receive the benefits of the sound healing!