“Every week we work together I feel a big shift in the way I live my life.”

Before I started working with Juliet, I knew I wanted to open myself up to making changes in my life, but I wasn’t sure how.  I’ve always admired her way of life and her way of being. Although she has so much knowledge inside of her, she never forces it upon me or judges me, which is incredible.

When I became her client, things just started opening up. I am taking back my power. It feels incredible. After each session, I feel elated and so much lighter. As they say, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”; that was totally true for me.  Juliet is an incredible teacher because she knows what to give and when to offer her wisdom. She shares information with me when she feels I am ready to receive it.

I would highly, highly, highly recommend Juliet to anyone who feels they are ready to embrace their most vibrant, brilliant, authentic self. I already recommend her to pretty much everyone I meet, and I can’t stop talking about what an incredible teacher she is to me. I am so grateful for every session we have together, because I grow exponentially. I have faith that Juliet can help anyone achieve their goals and claim their power. Do yourself a favor and bring this woman into your life, for she is a bright beacon of light.

- Barbara V., Massachusetts

Kremi’s Video Testimonial

“As a result of this work, I've been able to have a much healthier relationship with ALL emotions & that has positively impacted my relationship with myself as well as my partner.”

How does one even begin to describe the beautiful energy that Juliet brings into this world? This is my attempt at describing a completely indescribable woman and the immense amount of value she has brought into my life. I am full swing into starting my own business, which many of us may know is certainly no walk in the park. The amount of courage and perseverance that is needed to embark on this journey can be really exhausting when one doesn't have support in all the right places. I've been doing this self-growth work for quite a while now, but 2020 made it evident that it was time to level up, now more than ever.

Prior to our work, I had different puzzle pieces, but a difficult time connecting the dots in a lasting and meaningful way. As an empath, I can feel a whole spectrum of emotions just in an hour. I'd always viewed this as a weakness or as if something was wrong with me. The work gave me the tools, courage and strength to embrace all parts of myself, all emotions, and to do so lovingly with compassion. Juliet created a safe container where all exploration was welcomed. As a result of this work, I've been able to have a much healthier relationship with ALL emotions, and that has positively impacted my relationship with myself as well as my partner.

While still a work in progress, I'm able to catch myself before I go into habitual old patterns and reactions that are not who I strive to be anymore. I've been more in control of my attention and awareness of various triggers, viewing them with curiosity and creating space to react in ways that feel aligned with who I truly feel like I am. It has helped me cultivate confident in myself, my process and my business. Juliet has also helped me get really clear on my own desires (something no one really teaches you about). This has directly impacted my business as I'm able to really focus in on the types of clients I'd like to share my work with, and the type of work I truly want to do. This clarity is also a journey, but it's so valuable to have someone guiding you every step of the way. Finally, the movement piece that Juliet brings into the experience is so intentional and cathartic. I felt myself shed the layers that no longer served, each class bringing an even deeper connection to my body. As someone who has trouble staying grounded, I'd say our work was and continues to be exactly what I need the most. Thank you Juliet!

-Kremi A., Colorado

“I am so much happier and such a better partner to my husband now.

Juliet allowed me to find my true self and provided me the support to break away from "the life plan" I developed for myself years ago. The plan was no longer working for me and I was quite unhappy though I never really recognize the depth of my unhappiness and dissatisfaction. This negatively affected the relationship with my significant other. With her guidance and support, I allowed myself to develop a new path. I am so much happier and such a better partner to my husband now. 

Juliet has a way of helping you get in touch with your mind/body. She guides you in cutting through the bullshit and self-doubts. She helped me re-examine and explore a new path. Through our work together, I am a better partner to my husband and back to my old happy-go-lucky self.

 - Meghan C., New York

“Getting (and giving myself) that permission slip to truly dance like no one is watching was something I didn't know I needed, but it allowed me to bridge that mind/body gap and process my emotions in ways I didn't know was possible.”

After taking Juliet's EMBODIED course, I feel more connected and in tune with my body and with my emotions than ever before. Prior to this course, the only time I had really truly felt an integration of my body and mind was during yoga. For various reasons I've moved away from yoga in recent years, but have been really missing that mind/body connection. To be honest, I've always been nervous and anxious about dancing and felt that I "wasn't a good dancer", so I just didn't do it (except in social settings, usually after a few drinks or pressure from friends!). Getting (and giving myself) that permission slip to truly dance like no one is watching was something I didn't know I needed, but it allowed me to bridge that mind/body gap and process my emotions in ways I didn't know was possible.

After 6 weeks of work with Juliet and some amazing humans who shared the space with us, I’ve built a new relationship with my emotions and filled my 'self-love toolbox' with a treasure trove of practices that I know I will come back to again and again. For anyone interested but apprehensive about taking this course, I say - go for it!

— Laurel C., Massachusettes

“The work we’ve done has made a huge difference with my new job and the people I encounter on a daily basis. I finally allowed myself to be a work in progress!”

For a while I felt stuck and through working with Juliet, I found freedom. I was no longer as afraid of the things that I don’t know.  I wanted to switch jobs and went on many interviews in vain.  I was afraid of all of the things that would change as a result.  After working with Juliet I am not as afraid of outcomes and made a conscious effort to bring my true self to interviews and found a job. The work we’ve done has made a huge difference with my new job and the people I encounter on a daily basis. I finally allowed myself to be a work in progress!

I use the tools she taught me on a daily basis. I’m learning to live a more conscious life and to not allow others to guide my outcomes but rather be the creator of my own experiences.

I find that things that used to upset me before I am able to now talk myself out of being upset. My communication skills have improved and it is easier for me to express myself to family and friends.

I would recommend Juliet’s service to others because I think she is a great role model for what she teaches.  I have had the opportunity to experience how genuine she is and as a result it encourages me to be more myself and be more genuine.

– Maria M., New Jersey

“I really feel like my session with Juliet opened the door to so many new opportunities for me - it was like I needed to her to help me get from where I was to where I wanted to start going.”

I’ve always enjoyed "self-growth" and my bookshelves are stacked with self-help books, and anything that will help me to dive deeper into learning more about myself and how to connect with the world around me.  I felt guided to connect with Juliet, but was unsure of how a Life Coach session would work.  I was immediately put at-ease by Juliet's kind, gentle nature.  What I loved most about our session was how Juliet seemed to magically uncover these revelations of truth I kept having, just by asking the "right questions".  I was truly surprised at some of the knowledge that was coming out of my own mouth...I guess I had just not been asking myself the right questions!  

After just one session, and after doing my "homework" from Juliet, I did feel a shift in my life.  I was able to look at daily situations a little more clearly, and after just the one session, I had been given some really helpful tools to start practicing with.  I really feel like my session with Juliet opened the door to so many new opportunities for me-it was like I needed to her to help me get from where I was to where I wanted to start going. I would definitely recommend working with Juliet.  Like I said to Juliet:  I journal, I pray, I talk with friends, but sometimes, you start to hear yourself saying the same things over and over...I needed to take a step back and see everything from a new point of view.  Juliet helped me to do just that!  Thanks so much, Juliet.  You've helped me to uncover some awesomeness inside me that was there all along...and that's the best part about it!

- Mary S., Illinois

“As a woman business owner I often do not prioritize the time to tune in and she always helps me ‘go there,’ which is so valuable to me.”

I’ve worked with Juliet for a little under 3 months.  Before working with her, I was feeling that I had so much on my plate with two businesses and a toddler.  I knew that going to the next level in my business would entail feeling into who I am as a woman and what my desires truly are.  I was able to tune in through my coaching with Juliet and get to deeper truths which allowed me to make bigger decisions, one to hire a business broker (finally) to sell my first business and also to create non-negotiables in regards to relationship. 

Before I worked with her, I was paralyzed around selling my other business.  She helped me stop making it so hard!  I also have seen a big breakthrough in my relationship recently that is a result of working with her on what I desire and speaking my truth.  I chose Juliet because I really love her style of coaching.  As a woman business owner I often do not prioritize the time to tune in and she always helps me “go there,” which is so valuable to me. Her soft and subtle approach should not fool you because it’s very powerful. I would recommend Juliet if you desire to step into more of who you are, more of what you desire and have a deep level of support in your life and business. 

- Jessica R., Washington

“'I’ve grown comfortable in the unknown and it has been absolutely life-changing and freeing.”

Looking back on who I was and where I was when I started working with Juliet, I feel unrecognizable in the best of ways. Before working with Juliet my life and romantic relationship felt like a constant challenge and struggle with no light at the end of the tunnel. When I was younger I was this confident outgoing woman beyond comfortable with my sexuality and in my skin but I lost it somewhere along the way. I couldn’t figure out how I got to where I was and didn’t know who I was anymore. I had been with my boyfriend for over 4 years and we had so much love for each other but had been struggling for over a year to get the passion and romance back into our relationship. With each day I became more closed off and shy which only pushed us further apart. I just wanted to be that strong confident woman that I was in the past. The woman that knew who she was and what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to ask for it.

With Juliet’s help I’ve far surpassed where I thought I would ever be. It is unbelievable how much my life and outlook has changed in just 3 months working with her. She is an absolute genius! For so long I thought I understood the male mind and how it works but I was so wrong. Just the tiniest shift in perspective and interpretation can change things completely.

There is so much to love in every moment and interaction in life and Juliet has helped me to see that. This is not an experience you can get anywhere else and it will change your life forever. Juliet will be my go to always!!

- Brittany Z., New Jersey

“Always attentive, and ever considerate, she had me reorganize my thoughts, finding a belief that I knew was there but had been buried; I’ve now regained lost happiness.”

My life prior to meeting Juliet was draining, as if I were plugging the same hours in and out at home and work. My mind was closed, my emotions dampened, I felt like I was moving through the motions of life as opposed to living it, recognizing it. I was perfectly content waking up tired, preparing myself for work, then working only to try and forget about the questions and choices I needed to consider and make, only to get back home too tired to focus on bettering me. Work had become an excuse to live. I knew I could change my future, that better things did lay ahead, I just had no idea to achieve them, let alone start thinking about them.

I remember thinking I missed the old me. I knew I had become a shell, a hollow feeling, where I wanted to reawaken a more vibrant me. The more we talked, and importantly the more she listened, I was hearing what I was saying, how I was answering her questions, realizing what we were discussing, and how I could better myself, how I could wake up.

Honestly, the most valuable thing I gained from Juliet was recognizing confidence, composure, foundation. It's ok to be vulnerable. It's ok to ask for help. She was incredible at pinpointing key phrases, moments, thoughts, and following up on them, guiding me to answers I would have stubbornly been too unaware or difficult to even look at. It all made a difference.

I came away from each meeting lighter, happier, looking forward to my life's pursuit. I know I'm more cheery, looking forward to each day. I have the tools to pause for a second and ground myself, instead of longing for a past, or worried about the future. I am perfectly content in my present because I know Juliet's helped guide me to my own satisfied self.

It never felt like I was being grilled or pressured to open up about something, it never felt like what we were talking about didn't matter. Each session found a truth, an emotion, something we could share, and work to explore and better. Just listen to her and you know she cares, you know your best interest is at heart, and that she has the tools to make each session fulfilling and bright. 

- Paden G., Bay Area

“Now my entire team is focused on change and excited about the positive energy and everyone agrees on the new mission of the practice to serve life.”

I have been through many master programs, training in communication, presentation, public speaking, marketing, team building, etc.  I have worked with many teachers/trainers/coaches/masters in various fields. So I have high expectations for the person I commit to, because it takes commitment.

Since starting the work with Juliet, I've become more aware of the present moment and my responsibilities BEing. From the first email I sent to her I noticed changes for the better in all aspects of my daily living.

I went in wanting the answers and solutions to all my challenges and I wanted her to give them to me right away as time was valuable.  Within no time she helped me to uncover so many aspects of myself where I was personally blocking myself from my desires and she provided me with the resources to work through my abundance blocks.  This was a process where, as a masculine alpha, I had to check my ego.  Sometimes I was excited beyond belief, sometimes I was abrasive and barking.  She held the necessary space for me to check in each time and understand that was someone else’s program I was running and the time had come for me to let go of the things that did not serve my achievement of desire.  During this time we were simultaneously working on the recreation of my practice.

During the initial two weeks, my physical body expressed elimination from kidneys colon liver skin, and the timing was no coincidence.  As my physical body was eliminating the victim character I had created, I experienced the ending of an unhealthy relationship and the reawakening of previous healthy relationships as if no time had passed and they all noticed the shift.  As I continue the work I am enjoying the quality of my sleep.  I ease into brain wave shift and fall asleep feeling healthy satisfied and proud of my service that day.  My sleep is uninterrupted and my dreams are even shifting!  I've had no chest pains from nervousness since starting the process with Juliet.  My joints feel fluid and strong, my muscles respond better during my stretching classes, my breathing is deeper slower and steady.  I like the ability to connect with Juliet via video.  My practice asks for so much of my time, the ability to connect via video seems like a divine blessing allowing me the time to heal myself.  

She helped me realize I held myself back from BEing ME at my optimum potential because I played the victim role which was eye-opening and life-transforming.  Juliet saved my life with a simple exercise which alone has been worth the ride. I feel like a lifetime of change has happened in a short period of time and it is more reason for me to expect the light to grow and shine into my future which is abundantly bright.

I am “all in” with creating my best life ever. The personal investments I’ve made in several of the programs, including the VIP package and the VIP intensive (where I flew to L.A. for a magical experience that was created just for me), have all been returned to me and more. My business was in survival mode before I started working with Juliet.  Now my entire team is focused on change and excited about the positive energy and everyone agrees on the new mission of the practice to serve life. 

If I could use one word to describe Juliet Turalski I'd choose: Love

Thanks to Juliet, today I can stand up and expand consciousness serving life as I was created to do. The gift is something you owe yourself, I recommend signing up with her today and watching all the doubt disappear!

-Jeff A., Georgia

“I’ve divested myself of self-limiting preconceptions about who I am and who I can be, how I express myself to the world, and about owning all of me – without apology.”

When we started working together, my life and my business were running smoothly enough, but I wasn’t feeling especially “alive.” I wanted to reclaim some of the energy and unbiased, risk-taking enthusiasm that I had when I was younger, before I started to get buffeted by life events. I saw that spark in Juliet and it inspired me. I believed that working with her could set me free to reclaim those inspired aspects of myself, set them free, and live forward with a sense of renewal.

Working with Juliet had been liberating. Juliet’s encouragement helped me to stay the creative course that I had set for myself, to expand my professional horizons into a new venture, and to charge considerably more than I would have deemed possible.

I chose Juliet as my coach because of her amazing and powerful life force. She comes across as passionately unafraid and adventurous, willing to take life by the horns and experience it head-on, immerse herself in possibilities and learn from everything. She’s also uniquely human and compassionate. I admire all those traits enormously and need role models like that in my life. I recognized a younger version of myself in her – someone who had gotten lost along the way, someone whom I wanted to meet again. And I did meet her again. And I love rekindling that relationship.

Juliet brings her whole self to the coaching relationship. I really felt her engagement and commitment to my success. I always felt that she had my back and it made me feel safe to take risks. I also liked that she gave me really useful weekly assignments – nothing that I couldn’t manage, but things that really made a difference to achieving my goals. I can’t say enough about what a great experience it was to have Juliet as a coach. I’d repeat it in a heartbeat and hope to be able to do so at some point in the future.   

- Jill Q., Florida

“While working with Juliet, I developed a much greater sense of confidence in myself as well as truly understanding my life’s work, my purpose and personal/professional mission.”

I’m making much stronger connections, I am more discretionary with my time as well as understanding the people that I want to connect with, meet and align myself with throughout this process.

She resonated with my personal style. I also really felt that she had a very empowering approach and just felt that instinctually she was a great match! She also holds you accountable to achieve the best results possible. Hands down totally worth the investment!!!

- Lindsay H., New Jersey

“I have accomplished more during my short time with her than I have in the past year on my own.”

Working with Juliet for the past 3 months has been an EXTRAORDINARY experience! In every session she is intensely curious and present as she listens with a powerful intuition that not only hears what I say but gets to the core of what I really want to express.  Juliet engages me with a powerful and supportive energy that has made it feel completely safe to share openly and deeply about who I am and what I want to accomplish. And… I have accomplished more during my short time with her than I have in the past year on my own.

She infuses every session with an infectious positivity and lightness that drains the power out of my fears about how things are going to turn out and allows me to focus on what is important for me to move forward. I have released a major block that was stopping me from pursuing what I really want as opposed to where I thought I ‘should’ be focusing my energy.  This one shift has allowed me to make progress in multiple areas of my life. I have much more clarity about where I’m headed and I am motivated to take big leaps towards my goals.

From the moment I leave our sessions and until we meet again her encouraging and healing presence is with me whenever the doubts and fear creep back in. When I finish a session with Juliet I go home and immediately start working what I need to do because I am filled with enthusiasm at the possibilities of who I am becoming.

- Leigh H., New Jersey

“Within the first 24 hours of working with Juliet, I was able to really tune in and hone in on my business & life.

This clarity has resulted as a guiding light of all my future choices and decisions I’ve made for the business. I uncovered myself from hiding and began stepping INTO who I am and facing my fears. I worked through personal blocks which were holding me back from my next level of progress and success. Even though it was something quite personal for me to share I felt that she created the space needed for me to be vulnerable and honest. She allowed the space for my tears and encouraged my healing, helped me change my perception and all without any judgement.

I also finally took the time to reflect on how far I’ve come, how much more value I’ve added for my clients and for the world. How much I’ve grown and how many fears I faced. It was beautiful and overwhelming. 

I honestly don’t think I would be where I am today if it wasn’t for her. She helped me to set realistic goals, kept me accountable, encouraged me, supported me and guided me along this path. She held open this space of self discovery, self awareness and self growth. Sure, it will help my business and for that I am grateful, but the internal benefits I received are priceless. 

She didn’t pretend to be the “all knowing coach” who has all the answers for me (even though she did have all the answers I needed). You can tell she practices what she teaches. She is the real deal. True and authentic. 

- Tania L,, Canada

The most unexpected thing was finding a partner when I’d reconciled with being romantically alone during this time.”

I wasn't sure what to expect, but I knew that I wanted to tap into my emotions in a way that would allow me to be the master of my actions, rather than letting my emotions lead my (re)actions. This course has helped me look at my emotions in naked ways that I had not made the space for, or perhaps did not have the courage to face full on, and allowed truths of myself that were hiding to surface.

I had started to shift my energy inward early on in quarantine, and the most unexpected thing was finding a partner when I’d reconciled with being romantically alone during this time. The craziest part? I had just committed to taking on Juliet’s course, to showing up for myself, and I’m celebrating two months with my Love. I’ve used the techniques I’ve learned through EMBODIED in how we communicate and our growth and trust in each other is humbling💞. I've found an energy within myself that I continue to explore, have been invigorated by, and crave to pour into my future.

— Ayke A., San Francisco


“Because of the work we did, I was able to go into an interview with total confidence and landed a job I was qualified for (before I would have been a mess in my head).”

Before EMBODIED, I was on a journey to make myself a better me, but I didn't really know how to do so or how to start. I felt like my steps into being a better version of me were so small because of my self doubts. I'm a very emotional person, deal with anxiety and for being such an open book, I never thought I could be as vulnerable as I was with this class. I loved the support and that we all had different moments, different experiences while going through it all together.

I left every class feeling more confident. Because of the work we did, I was able to go into an interview with total confidence and landed a job I was qualified for (before I would have been a mess in my head). I’ve never felt that confident in an interview before. I felt so great and unstoppable! That moment made me feel like I can make ALL my goals happen. I feel so grateful and glad that I joined EMBODIED. I truly feel like it was the next step that I needed and happy that it was.

— Diana M., Bay Area