“As a result of this work, I've been able to have a much healthier relationship with ALL emotions & that has positively impacted my relationship with myself as well as my partner.”

How does one even begin to describe the beautiful energy that Juliet brings into this world? This is my attempt at describing a completely indescribable woman and the immense amount of value she has brought into my life. I am full swing into starting my own business, which many of us may know is certainly no walk in the park. The amount of courage and perseverance that is needed to embark on this journey can be really exhausting when one doesn't have support in all the right places. I've been doing this self-growth work for quite a while now, but 2020 made it evident that it was time to level up, now more than ever.

Prior to our work, I had different puzzle pieces, but a difficult time connecting the dots in a lasting and meaningful way. As an empath, I can feel a whole spectrum of emotions just in an hour. I'd always viewed this as a weakness or as if something was wrong with me. The work gave me the tools, courage and strength to embrace all parts of myself, all emotions, and to do so lovingly with compassion. Juliet created a safe container where all exploration was welcomed. As a result of this work, I've been able to have a much healthier relationship with ALL emotions, and that has positively impacted my relationship with myself as well as my partner.

While still a work in progress, I'm able to catch myself before I go into habitual old patterns and reactions that are not who I strive to be anymore. I've been more in control of my attention and awareness of various triggers, viewing them with curiosity and creating space to react in ways that feel aligned with who I truly feel like I am. It has helped me cultivate confident in myself, my process and my business. Juliet has also helped me get really clear on my own desires (something no one really teaches you about). This has directly impacted my business as I'm able to really focus in on the types of clients I'd like to share my work with, and the type of work I truly want to do. This clarity is also a journey, but it's so valuable to have someone guiding you every step of the way. Finally, the movement piece that Juliet brings into the experience is so intentional and cathartic. I felt myself shed the layers that no longer served, each class bringing an even deeper connection to my body. As someone who has trouble staying grounded, I'd say our work was and continues to be exactly what I need the most. Thank you Juliet!