Use your gift of empathy.

My genius is offering fresh, life-changing perspectives that’ll change the direction of how you use your energy. My approach is also grounded in the knowing that YOU are your most powerful asset ~ and my job is to give you space to detangle your trauma responses from your intuition. cultivate an unwavering relationship with your inner guidance.

I also believe that play is a heighentd state of consciousness. We live in an overserious

It’s important full range of who you are.

Depending on what’s most alive for you on the day we meet, high-performance coaching, psychotherapy, intuitive energy healing, embodiment tequniues & somatic healing. My passion is to support you in establishing boundaries, communicating your voice, making decisions that are in alignment with y.

What does my approach ultimately do? We integrate both your feminine energy (playful, trust, flow) & masculine energy (focus, drive, consistency) aspects into harmony with your soul’s signature personality. This means, you’ll find create balance in your life, increase your ability to receive AND do it from a place of enthusiasm so it’s sustainable for decade to comes.

When we work together, you also have an all-access pass to any group program that runs.

Bliss Package 4-Months Together


+ 6 x 60-Minute Sessions Zoom Calls

+ 1 x 90 Minute Intensive

+ Simple, Fun Weekly Homeplay

+ Weekly Accountability Template

+ Email Access to Juliet for 90 Days

+ BONUS 50 x Minute Follow-Up Session After Last Payment

16 x 60-min sessions + access to my group programs for 6 months!

$6k. Apply here!

The Full Monty
1 year with VIP Day + Weekend Retreat

includes 44 60-min sessions,

You desire to build a brand, be of high service & live the life of your dreams.

$33k. Apply here!



1 x 90-Min Intensive & 2 x 60-Min Sessions

(no application necessary)

Option to start with a few sessions…
